For your certificate of capacity, there is a mandatory minimum:

- Marking with a recorder (Grav'Tout type)
- Transfer Group (type RD2100) according to EN-35421 standard
- Thermometer (type TIR-30K)
- Balance (type 15010 DRM)
- Manifolds (Type M1004)
- Hoses with shutters (CH-315 type)
- Leak detector (type SNIF-3G) according to EN-14624 standard


The operator must demonstrate the types and quantities of tooling it owns, and the date of the last check they have received.
These are:

• transfer group complies with the standard EN35421
• leak detector in accordance with the standard EN14624
• Pressure gauges with shutters
• Electronic balance, accurate <5%
• Thermometer

(Decree of 30 June 2008 on issuing certificates of capacity to the operators provided for in Article R. 543-99 of the Environmental Code)


The detectors used must have a sensitivity of at least 5 g / year and surround controllers with a sensitivity of at least 10 ppm.
These sensitivities are measured according to EN14624 standard.


Frequency of leakage checks:


1 per year if the load> 2 kg every 6 months if the load> 30 kg every 3 months if the load of> 300 kg


(Decree of 7 May 2007 on the tightness control elements providing containment of refrigerants used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment)